Do our politicians and media types think we aer stupid? Do they think we have no ethical, moral or social sense? Do they assume that we are a bunch of self-centred, narcissistic hedonists? It would appear so if the latest batch of programmes and articles are anything to go by. There seems to be a movement at the moment to question the work that is currently being done in the name of environmentalism, and to suggest that we are doing it wrong. We know! We have known this for a long time, but we are doing the best we can in a difficult situation. We need to consume less, we get that but it takes time to change the habits of a lifetime. We need to share more globally, but there are complications in getting what we share to where it is needed without it being hijacked. We need to use our resources more efficiently, but that is challenged by the need to maintain an overpopulation. We are not stupid!
We understand that there are comprimises that at this stage have to be made in order to prevent the breakdown of society as we know it. We are torn between trying to save the planet and trying to save ourselves, and we know that the two are not mutually exclusive but are intrinsically linked. We know what we should be doing better, and different, and we are working on it. What we don't need is some politician or campaigner reminding it of this in such a way that we are discouraged from keeping on trying! Right now we have to keep focused on doing what we can to make the world a better place, and we have to try to work around the compromises that have to be made.
So protecting an endangered species puts pressure on indigenous peoples? We know this, we don't need it pointing out, and we certainly don't need to be told that what we are doing is wrong. Life doesn't work that way. We have to be clear that we are making an effort and that we are making a difference in order to keep going, and we need clear unambiguous information in order to take the descisions we have to make. What we don't need is rhetoric and sensationalism.....
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