Thursday 11 August 2011

No summer holiday for politicians.....

Oh the inhumanity! Oh the injustice! Our political leaders have had to curtail their summer break early to come back and discuss the troubles that have plagued the UK over the last four nights. How are we in aposition where our MPs have so many breaks? Isn't running the country a full time job? Don't they get paid enough to keep working with maybe a twenty days of a year like the rest of us have to? I just don't get it? We are in the middle of the worst economic position in living memory, we have looting on the streets, public sector workers threatening strike action and a country living in fear of cuts to essential services. Would it not have been a good time to show some solidarity and carry on working on the issues that need addressing?

Oh, I know that politicians are terribly hard done by, working eighteen to twenty hour days, long nights in parliament, long days in constituencies, constant stress and pressure....but....I have those things in my own way, and I certainly don't get in excess of £50K a year for doing it. We are all working hard at the moment, trying to keep our heads above water, many of us working two jobs just to make ends meet and still struggling, but this is not the point. The point is that we need our politicians. Love them or hate them we do need them to be on the job, making the tough decisions, making the changes that need to be made to create the growth and recovery that we need to move forward.

This is not too much to ask I don't think. Politicians make a choice, they are not forced to do the job they do, they do it, it the main for noble reasons of a sense of duty, or a sense of wanting to make this country better. Sure, they make mistakes, they act inappropriately, they fiddle the odd expense form, but they still have a job to do, and many of them do that job well. We need to work with our leaders, and in addition, they need to work with us. We should all be contacting our MP's with our concerns, our fears, even our suggestions, and being part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. This is, I think, what Mr. Cameron really means when he talks about the big society. All of us, working in harmony and unity towards a brighter and more sustainable future where those in need are looked after, and those who contribute most are fairly rewarded, where it is safe to walk the streets and all of our children are well educated and productive irrespective of background, ethnicity, gender or anything else.....It may sound like a pipe dream, but I truly believe that together we can make it happen....

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