Friday, 17 June 2011

Dancing under the moon and stars

It was a beautiful full moon last night, and the sky alternated between clear and showers. It was a baeutiful night and I took full advantage popping out to a local hilltop and spending a very pleasant couple of hours dancing in the moonshine, watching my shadow spin and twirl across the wet grass. The hilltop has a small cupola at the summit as a viewing platform and the combination of the moon and the lights of the city around the horizon took my breath away. I have always loved dancing, but for me it is a very private think, something I share with nature rather than with a bunch of strangers in a club. I see it almost as an offering, the energy of my movements given as a gift to the beauty of the World.

I ended up soaked to the skin after the second shower, but the night wasn't particularly cold and the rain in my wet hair made it whip around my face as I gyrated. There are many people who enjoy being out in nature, enjoying the sensations of rain on skin, wind in hair, soft ground under foot, but I feel that there are still not enough. We live in a closetted World, behind double glazing with the climate controlled, divorced from our natural roots, and even when we do go outside we wrap up aginst the weather rather than working with it and just enjoying it.

Some day we will understand our place in the network of life that forms our home planets biosphere, but I fear it may be too late. We will have to see....

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