Thursday, 16 June 2011

Travelling is all in the mind

I'm not particularly well travelled in the real world. I hadn't been abroad other than on a school trip to Paris when I was 13 until really quite recently. It was only when I joined a German company that I started travelling a bit more, firstly to Germany for business, which involved my first flight in a plane, then on my first foreign holiday to Egypt. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but having moved on from that company and now being self-employed the opportunity no longer presents itself. This isn't a major stress, I am quite happy with life in the UK. I am kept busy most of the time, and when I do have some free time there are plenty of lovely places I can explore, but I do still like to travel with my mind.

I love to read travel diaries, and watch programs from far flung places about societies and cultures that I haven't experienced. I spend time in contemplative meditation travelling to those areas in my mind, exploring and interacting. It can be quite an intense process, and I guess some would consider it akin to techniques used in astral projection. I start with breath control techniques, slowing my breathing and conseqently my pulse and alpha wae brain activity. I have been meditating for a while no so I find it quite easy to slip into a semi-trance state. As my Alpha waves are reduced nad the Beta waves take presidence I feel that I am floating weightless and can see the entire World, and sometimes more laid out before me.

From this point I can chose to travel to any location, spending my time wandering the streets of Delhi or exploring city sites in the Amazon jungle. It is amazing how close to a real experience it can become with the sights, sounds, smells all becoming more and more focused as I immerse myself in the journey. It can be a wonderful way to see the World from the comfort of my own home, and is great for planning where I might go in the future if opportunity presents.

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